Roland's Thankparty

Last week-end there was a thankparty for a pastor in the Church.
When he told stories he was a funny guy...
Many people were thankful for what he has done for people in the
Church.funny story was toldPeople were thankful for what he haws done for themThis means that when we receive Jesus   in our hearts we are transfered or passed  from death to life.

Pillow war

Last week-end flash mob arranged pillow war at Iron Place. It is some young people who
meet one another and make someting fun. Afterwards it was fellowship and playings.

This week-end some people are in Gothenburg for passover,  pesach in Hebrew,
that means when the Israelite people were slaves in Egypt the lst plaugue was the death angel
who killed every first born in Egypt.
God had ordered the Israelites to kill a lamb and strike the blood on the door posts. They layed on the
floor and eating the lamb and rose up early in the morning and left Egypt. they baked bread and no leaven
bread were in the house. You can see this in Exodus chapter 12 in the Bible, the old testament.

God is a loving God full of compassion and forgiving. We see this already with the Israelites in the desert when
they worshiped a golden calf, Moses heard it from God and went down and crossed the law on the stones that
he went up to God and got new plates of stone. This you can read in Exodus chapter 34.flash mob GBG has arranged thisfeathers...

The Simple Radio

A closer look at the radioThis radio I have switched on and listen to radio. It comes from a factory in Africa.Hi,
I have seen a simple radio. It does not need to be advanced like you buy it in the western world.
This happened when I was at a friend's home. 

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