
Now it is nearly summer but it is shifting weather has done that
it is not warm until this week-end.
If you like strategy games and you are four persons then I
recommend you learn Mahjong. It is fun even when you have
to learn the figures and chinese caracters.
Another game is heart attack, a card game where you count to
13 and when the number you count  comes up put your hand
to the cards and the last opponent gets the cards.
You have won when after you have no cards and smaxh your hand
on the bord. The person who get the cards has lost.
I have played Taiwanese Mahjong and there you have 16 tiles,
3x5 and a pair.
Three of the same or for example 1 2 3.
It is Chinese caracters and figures and it is easy to learn. You only
need a sheet a couple of times to learn the figures.

A strategy game like Chess or Chinese Chess or Shogi
This is a winning hand.
On Internet you can see many hands where you can win the game.

The next game is Heart Attack Ester to the right and Lei from China
We played cards indoor this house

Isak Lång or Long is short compared with this statue and a German guy
Long is short in this picture

Flowers in the springtime
Flowers in Botanic Garden

This time a company place out a grill for barbecue embedded in ice.
The first person who loosened the ice had won the grill.
First person who loosened the grill from the ice had won the grill

Interesting things happens in the spring.


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